Halloween comes with a rare blue moon this year.
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Rainy skies above at New Orleans as hurricane Zeta approaches - Zeta below in visible satellite image from 1431 UTC this morning.
Current forecast track for Zeta above from NHC, which estimates that the storm will come ashore with max winds around 80 to 85 kt (about 90 to 100 mph).
Below are two more satellite images in the long wave and short wave IR bands.
Morning showers along the foothills at about 7:15 am MST and some snow on the San Francisco Peaks at bottom. Morning lows here only in low 60s F, but forecast to be around freezing next couple of mornings.
Light showers have been moving across parts of the metro this morning, and a few locations have received measurable, light rainfall amounts (as per reports from MesoWest for 24-hours ending at 8:45 am - above). Showers here so far have just wet the patio, and left only a Trace in the gauge.
Meanwhile, tropical storm Zeta is located southeast of Yucatan, and is forecast to move across the GoM, intensify to hurricane strength, and move toward southeastern Louisiana.
At last, some clouds in the morning skies! - below, over the Catalinas a bit before sunrise, and pink skies south of Kitt Peak about same time (bottom).
The upper-air sounding taken late yesterday (release time around 4:00 pm MST) looks very strange in the skew-T plot above (from SPC). Very low temperatures and dewpoint at surface (62 and -3 F) are too cold and obviously in error. Readings at the airport at 4:00 pm were 92 and 18 F. Something went awry somehow, and whatever quality control procedures there are missed the very bad data.
Shown below are the actual sounding data and the skew-T plot from Univ. of Wyoming. After all the very hot weather this month, 62 F at 4:00 pm yesterday would have been very welcome.
Clear skies continue over southeastern Arizona this morning, although there may be a bit of smoke visible at east side of 8:00 am MST image above. The view north from Kitt Peak at same time (bottom) shows layer of smoke along the northern horizon - not obvious what fire this is from (there are many fires burning, but this could be from the Horse fire near Crown Point southeast of Prescott).
Forecast above from 06 UTC run of the GFS model is for total precipitation through Halloween night at midnight - continued VERY grim for the Southwest. If forecast verifies, October will be second straight month with nothing in the rain gauge here.
The last measurable precipitation here at the house was on 31 August - amount was 0.02". This the 43rd day without rainfall.
The forecast below (from the 00 UTC WRF-GFS run at Atmo) is for precipitation through 5:00 pm MST on the 20th of October. Longer range forecasts indicate that October may well end up with zero precipitation.