Bit of pink color on high clouds over the Catalinas before sunrise this morning. At bottom is west view toward Denver, with the full moon visible behind high overcast.
Tomorrow is the last day of meteorological winter (December, January, and February), and it looks like winter's end will be very blustery, and of course dry - as February bows out with no rainfall here.
Colorful hazards map this morning (above) - what really caught my eye was the very large area of country under a flash flood watch. The gray area was for dense, early morning fog. Note that portions of southeast Arizona (below) are under a fire weather watch that is valid tomorrow, when gusty winds will combine with very low relative humidity.
The GEFS forecast for winds (above from 06 UTC runs) indicates several windy periods during the coming week - with strongest winds currently forecast for tomorrow. The 06 UTC WRF-GFS forecast for winds at 2:00 pm MST tomorrow (below) actually indicates strongest winds over Cochise County, northeastern Mexico and southwest New Mexico.