The most intense portion of the Pacific storm moved through last night. Winds were gusty, mostly from 35 to 55 mph - not nearly as strong as with the early December event. Found three max gusts above 60 mph - roof of Atmo., top of Mt. Hopkins, and Gutherie RAWS. Rain amounts in Pima County ALERT network were generally 3/4" to around 3" with 8 stations reporting 2 " or more. One station reported over 7" but that's a real outlier and will need to be checked. Rain here at house through 7 am was 1.18" - most rain in 24 hours since August 13th 2008. Luckily only a bit of leaking into my storage room at back of casita. Reports of a tornado north of Phoenix and a small tornado apparently moved across I-10 just on the California side of Colorado River. Washes are flowing here in Tucson and cars are stuck or floating away, as per usual when the washes flow! Image above shows Kitt Peak and indicates that the rain must have turned briefly to snow out there.
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