Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Brief, Heavy Shower Here

Heavy storm over north parts of metro at 4:00 pm MST yesterday. Down at bottom is view of nearly full moon and Jupiter rising in eastern sky at 4:00 am this morning.

Frequent CG flashes detected yesterday through 0843 UTC this morning (above from Atmo and Vaisala).

Widespread precipitation over much of the ALERT network through 8:00 am this morning (above and below). A couple of isolated amounts exceeded an inch. Here at house we had a quick 0.38" with thunder and wind gusts to 30 to 40 mph; TUS had thunder with gusts to 43 mph but no rain; DM had thunder and a Trace; and Atmo had a Trace and gusts to 37 mph.

Morning 500 mb analysis (above) shows the anticyclone shifted far to east with te Southwest under the influence of weak trough. The 06 UTC GFS run indicates that the Holiday weekend may be dry.

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