Friday, September 11, 2015

Widespread Light Rain But Again No Thunder

Plot of CG flashes from Vaisala and Atmo (above) is for 24-hours ending at midnight last night. Most of southern Arizona was again totally thunder-free. However, there was an extended period of light rainfall yesterday from Linda's debris. This event produced 0.04" of rain at 84 of 93 ALERT sites and amounts of 0.01" probably had 100% areal coverage - so a day with high POPs but light rainfall. Most amounts were under 0.16" with only three sites in the Catalinas having a quarter inch or more - max was at Mt. Lemmon site with 0.35". Here we had 0.15".

The skewT plot for TWC at 12 UTC this morning (above from SPC) depicts conditions that will have little or no CAPE this afternoon, as well as a layer of CIN. Drier air is advecting our way from both the east and north, and overall the situation remains fairly dismal. A 12 UTC analysis of blended PW from CIRA at Colorado State (below) shows the dry/moist battle zone over southeastern Arizona. 

The 06 UTC forecast runs of the WRF models forecast nothing for most of Pima County today - so there's little to write home about.

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