Saturday, July 04, 2015

Another Morning MCS For The Fourth

Edited to add: The 6:45 am plot from MesoWest (above) shows surface winds with gusts (red). It appears that an outflow with east to southeast winds is approaching the Tucson metro area. Outflow associated with one or both of the MCSs mentioned below, will bring in cooler and more moist low-level air.

The IR image above is from 4:30 am MST this morning - July 4th 2015. A morning MCS is ongoing for the second consecutive day - this time it is focused on Cochise County and northern Mexico, with a second, weakening MCS, to its southwest over Sonora. The composite radar chart below is from a bit before 5:00 am. Looks like the strong storm south of Sierra Vista was close to Art Douglas' place in Ash Canyon.

Two different views of thunderstorm activity from Vaisala data are shown here. The CG flash locations for the 24-hours ending at midnight (above, from Atmo) does not cover the period of the current MCS, but does show, in black, the flashes associated with the pre-dawn storms yesterday. In contrast, the CG flash density map (below from Weather.Graphics) covers the 6-hours ending at 6:00 am MST. The most frequent CG flashes have occurred just south of the border, in the northeast corner of Sonora. There'll be more fireworks this evening.

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