Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Sprinkles Here

Nice colors over the Catalinas at about 5:25 am MST this morning.

Once again there are limited observations this morning: the ALERT network is still not functioning, and MesoWest is not fully back on line yet.

Plot of detected CG flashes through 0703 UTC last night (above from Vaisala and Atmo) shows limited CG activity over eastern Pima County. There were lightning flashes visible here around midnight, but only a sprinkle around 6:00 am this morning. TUS reported thunder but no rain, DM reported a Trace, and Atmo had 0.17" right around midnight last night.

The morning 500 mb analysis (above) continues to show a large anticyclone covering much of the southern 2/3rds of the country. Two centers of circulation are over west Texas and also near the Four Corners. A weak, inverted trough was over southwestern Arizona. 

The morning upper-air sounding from TWC/TUS (below) shows a deep layer of nearly saturated air above 600 mb, but really chopped-up conditions below. Winds aloft are mostly southerly with light speeds. 

The morning 12 UTC run of the WRF-RR at Atmo forecasts almost nothing across southern Arizona through noon tomorrow (above). However, the 06 UTC GFS forecasts considerable precipitation across Arizona for the week ending 12 UTC on July 2nd (below). So we'll possibly have a very wet start to July, as a long Holiday weekend approaches.

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