Rainfall reports this morning - 0.07" here at house; TUS 0.29"; DM 0,23"; and Nogales 0.01". In the ALERT network 31 of 93 gauges had rainfall during the night with the highest amount being 0.55" at a aguage near Green Valley; and two RAWS gauges to the south of Tucson had rainfall.
The middle IR image, from this morning, shows TS Frank, a morning MCS at the mouth of the GoC, and deeper cloud pushed up to the middle GoC. The models have been very consistent this week in indicating that the tropical disturbance off Baja would be associated with a nothward push of deep moisture and this appears to be well underway.
There was a nice morning rainbow (at least half of one) visible from the house this morning at a bit before 7 am MST. I took the bottom photo looking west at the rainbow from the backyard here.
Final comment: I've been very puzzled as to why there was almost no mention in the Tucson NWS FDs of the strong cold front coming down the Plains - it was finally mentioned in two discussions but essentially after it had arrived. Similarly, TS Frank has yet to be directly mentioned in any FDs from Tucson.
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