Little in the way of weather to report across Arizona yesterday. Five stations in the Pima County ALERT network measured rainfall (0.04" at 4 of these and 0.16" at one) in the 6-hours ending at 6 pm, and that was all I could find across all of southeast Arizona. Ft. Huachuca and Douglas did report brief thunderstorms with no rain. Cloud-to-ground lightning strike loops indicated a few strikes (looked like less than 10) over Cochise County in the late afternoon - no CGs indicated in Pima or Santa Cruz Counties. Skies are clear this morning. Precipitable water values in south-central Arizona are around 28 to 29 mm and a pocket of higher dewpoints remains present over the southeast part of state. The sounding from SPC (top) indicates small amounts of Tv CAPE today. Winds aloft are southwesterly through the entire troposphere above 700 mb. The 500 mb analysis from NCAR RAP (middle) shows a large anticyclone over the country with the main center far to the east over the Tennessee Valley and a secondary lobe centered near Brownsville, Texas. This secondary lobe is forecast by the NAM to shift rapidly westward and to be nearly overhead by 5 pm tomorrow. This morning's run of the NAM forecasts some isolated showers again today over southeast Arizona (bottom) - so continuity appears to be a reasonable forecast. Nothing of real significance appears on our horizons at this time.
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