Yesterday's U of A Atmo WRF runs were excellent, showing about 10 to 20% coverage of mostly light and some moderate showers. This is exactly what the observations show happened - about 10% coverage of light showers yesterday up through 00Z (see above satellite images) and about 20% coverage after 00Z through the evening, with some moderate showers mostly over the Catalinas, with several ALERT gauges reporting just over a quarter of an inch. There were no CGs detected in all of southeast Arizona as far as I could tell, and the showers had slight VILs and tops in the 20 to 30 thousand foot range - this fits with the two satellite images above - the visible (middle) image shows showers from central Pima County eastward; but the water vapor image (top) indicates that most of these showers weren't deep enough to be detected in upper-tropospheric water vapor data. I missed my guess yesterday that the demarcation line between showers and no showers would be nearly overhead - so it goes in summer forecasting.
Finally, the TWC sounding last evening at 00Z (bottom image) was clearly garbage, due to a shower, but was transmitted regardless, and will lurking out there in the data archives to foul up future research.
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