As the 500 mb short wave (mentioned in previous post) moved rapidly across Arizona yesterday it produced widespread strong winds, some areas of blowing dust, as well as some light precipitation at northern locations. This morning suspended dust hangs in the air - see above image looking north toward the Catalinas. Wind gusts of 35 to 60+ mph were common at higher elevations across all of the northern and eastern portions of the state. Art Douglas reported high winds at his location near the mouth of Ramsey Canyon, and sent along observations from a nearby weather station - below:
Weather Conditions for:
N0NBH Sierra Vista, AZ (AS557)
Elev: 4646 ft; Latitude: 31.50228; Longitude: -110.26040
Current time: Sat, 21 Jan 10:10 pm (MST)
Most Recent Observation: Sat, 21 Jan 10:02 pm MST (MST)
Time Temp. Dew Relative Wind Wind Altimeter Station Precip Quality
Point Humidity Direction Speed Setting Pressure 24 hour Control
(MST) (f) (f) (%) (mph) (inches) (inches) (inches)
21 Jan 10:02 pm MST 57 31 37 W 5
G62 29.94 25.252 0.00 OK
21 Jan 9:53 pm MST 57 30 35 WSW 10G56 29.94 25.252 0.00 OK
21 Jan 9:43 pm MST 57 30 36 W 9G44 29.94 25.252 0.00 OK
21 Jan 9:34 pm MST 57 30 35 WNW 10
G63 29.94 25.252 0.00 OK
21 Jan 9:24 pm MST 57 31 37 W 9G49 29.94 25.252 0.00 OK
21 Jan 9:15 pm MST 57 32 38 W 9G55 29.93 25.243 0.00 OK
21 Jan 9:05 pm MST 58 34 40 WSW 8G38 29.93 25.243 0.00 OK
21 Jan 8:56 pm MST 57 35 43 W 12G42 29.93 25.243 0.00 OK
21 Jan 8:47 pm MST 58 36 43 W 13G50 29.92 25.234 0.00 OK
21 Jan 8:37 pm MST 58 36 44 WSW 13G48 29.92 25.234 0.00 OK
21 Jan 8:28 pm MST 58 35 42 W 12G54 29.92 25.234 0.00 OK
21 Jan 8:18 pm MST 58 35 42 W 9
G64 29.92 25.234 0.00 OK
21 Jan 8:09 pm MST 58 35 42 W 11
G64 29.93 25.243 0.00 OK
21 Jan 7:59 pm MST 58 33 39 W 10G48 29.93 25.243 0.00 OK
I read on the Albany MAP talk board that winds were very strong across portions of southern California. A PGA golf tournament in Palm Springs suspended play due to damaging winds at all three courses. Nothing of note at several of the low elevation stations, including here at the house.