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Well, good call on the active convection today in
My email to you back in June (see earlier post) turned out to be pretty lucky about forecasting the monsoon onset here. There were a few weak storms in the mountains yesterday, and some big ones south of the border, but today is definitely the main event.
Yesterday – another mostly down day with some mountain storms and some anvil sprinkles over the
Today – PW remains moderately high at low elevation stations (42 to 45 mm) but winds in lower 2/3rds troposphere remain light. The remnants of yesterday’s upper-level inverted trough appear to out over northern Baja, extending into southwest
Very Brief Discussion
Have early morning appointments on east side of town and thus don’t have much time –
Yesterday – Even given the moisture and instability of early yesterday, the day turned out to be yet another serious disappointment locally. The remnants of TD-02 mostly pulled out to the northeast, although an elongated, sheared and weak trough remains at 500 mb to our south. Only one brief, late morning shower formed on the eastern Catalinas. No thunder, lightning, or rain observed here at the house. Best storms, and some were cold-top convection with quite a bit of lightning, were to the southeast to southwest and up in the
Today – Very moist conditions continue in lower-half of troposphere with PWs at low elevations around 40 to 45 mm. Sky this morning clear and very hazy, almost like a Midwest summer morning (see view of Catalinas). The TWC morning sounding (above) has moistened some below 700 mb and dried above 400 mb. If the morning conditions persist and mix out by mid-afternoon, it appears that mean boundary layer mixing ratio would be around 10 g/kg and that there’d be a nice bit of CAPE (however, yesterday mixed out at 8 g/kg with no
Brief Discussion Sunday am 11 July 2010
Yesterday – Again mostly weak and warm-top convection with best storms and rain amounts up at high mountain locations. Of the regular reporting stations,