Catalinas at 6:50 am MST this morning with perfectly clear skies overhead.
Current 500 mb analysis (above from SPC) shows a large, REX Block over the eastern half of the US that's impeding the eastward progress of the trough over the West.
Over the Eastern Pacific, Tropical Storm Ileana is approaching the south end of Baja with a large shield of very cold cloud - IR image above from 1330 UTC this morning. The current forecast from NHC (below) takes the storm about half way up the GoC before it dissipates.
Forecasts of PW from the 06 UTC GFS run (above valid at midnight last night and below valid at noon tomorrow) show a strong push of moist air into southern Arizona.
Current morning forecast from NWS TUS (below) indicates a wet weekend, although POPs are down a bit from yesterday (see previous post).