Heavy storm over the eastern Catalinas on afternoon of July 30th (above). A CG flash to the western Catalinas at 1:00 am MST on July 30th (bottom).
Precipitation amounts during summer 2023 here at the house: June 0.00"; July 1.73"; August 0.53". Total June through August 2.26" - this was the second driest summer total since I started keeping records in 1999. Driest year was 2013 with 1.51" (wettest year was 2021 with 10.98").
Adding in September gives a total of 2.57" (second driest for this period) this year. Driest for this period was 2020 with 2.28" and previous wettest was 12.47" in 2021.
I noted thunderstorms here on 11 days during July and August (there may have been a few others, but I did not hear the thunder). There was a severe thunderstorm here on July 17th, with estimated gusts 60 to 65 mph, which produced some significant tree damage on our circle.
For contrast and comparison, the two charts below show rainfall across the ALERT network for June through September.