Tuesday, April 02, 2024

More Re Rain Event

View toward Redington Pass at 5:15 am MST this early morning.

ALERT network data for 24-hours ending at 7:oo am this morning (above and below) again show almost 100 percent coverage, but with amounts smaller than those yesterday. Here at house we had an additional 0.25" for a total event amount of 0.35".

Plumes shown here are from the GEFS 06 UTC runs. QPF at airport (above) forecasts indicate chances for light showers on the 6th and the 9th. Temperatures  (below) rise dramatically through the 4rth, and then cool down for rest of week. Plumes for winds (second below) indicate a very windy day on Friday. Basically an unsettled week, but with no really significant storms.


  1. Stefan Myslicki3:33 PM

    Per your post yesterday the total event was 1.10 in. with .75 in the gage yesterday morning and .35 today! That’ll match the total event amounts around you.

  2. Hi Stefan - I didn't write this up very clearly. But, we had 0.75" during the night of March 31st. I checked near-by ALERT sites and decided that 0.65" of this probably fell before midnight, with only 0.10" after midnight. On the afternoon of the 1st we had an additional 0.25". The total in my gauge was exactly one inch for the entire event. Bob
