Sunrise this morning at about 6:10 am MST.
Forecast of 500 mb level from 06 UTCGFS (above) valid at 00 UTC on 6 April. Below is forecast for 250 mb from the same model run - note the very strong upper-level jet over southeastern Arizona with maximum speeds over 150 kt.
Forecast above (from 12 UTC WRF-RR run at Atmo) is for total precipitation through 2:00 am on Saturday the sixth - just a bit of light precipitation over parts of Pima County. Forecast below is for wind speeds from the same model run valid at 2:00 pm tomorrow afternoon, showing quite strong winds at the airport.
Morning statement and forecast for the airport from the NWS forecast Office (above and below) emphasizing the strong wind conditions tomorrow. Note that it has been wet lately, making blowing dust a long-shot for the airport.
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