Monday, April 01, 2024

Widespread Precipitation Event

Morning showers on the Catalinas at 7:30 am April 1st - no fooling.

Data from the ALERT network for 24 hours ending at 7:30 am (above and below) shows 100 coverage of amounts greater than 0.04". Here at house we had 0.75" in the gauge this morning - most of this fell before midnight, with about a tenth of an inch after midnight. Atmo reported 0.52", DM had 0.42":, and the airport reported 0.29". Heaviest amounts in the ALERT network were on the north side of the Catalinas - even the high elevation sites started out as rain.

The TWC/TUS sounding this morning (above) shows moist conditions up to 400 mb, a sliver of CAPE, and very strong southwest winds aloft, reaching 180 kts. The trough is still out to our west, keeping some chance for additional showers as it moves across Arizona today.

Plumes for the GEFS 06 UTC runs shown here - QPF above, temperature below, and winds second below. The QPF plumes show rain at the airport continuing well into the night tonight. Temperature recovers, before another cool spell at end of the week. The winds are forecast to be very strong on Friday the 5th.

Forecast from the 12 UTC WRF-RR model (below) shows precipitation forecast through noon tomorrow. Amounts exceed a tenth of an inch over most of eastern Pima County. This is proving to be quite a nice event to end March and begin April.

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