Monday, February 13, 2017

Hit And Miss Showers And Thunderstorms Continuing

View from campus yesterday a bit before 06:00 pm MST of thunderstorm in north part of town. Graphic below (from Atmo and Vaisala) shows detected CG flashes through 06:00 pm. Storm that moved through this part of town appears to have had its origings over the Santa Ritas to the south.

There were several nearby CGs here, followed by terrific crashes of thunder - something for February. Rain was brief, but left 0.12" in the gauge.

Showers and some thunderstorms continue across the region this early morning.

Map above (from and Vaisala) shows CG flash density for 24-hours ending at 05:30 am this morning - activity was widespread, especially to the east and north of here. Rainfall was spotty and light, as per ALERT network data through 06:00 am this morning (below). Amounts less than 0.04" are not reported.

The two RAWS sites in the Chiricahuas had just over 4/10s of an inch - the highest amounts I noted. Several sites had wind gusts over 40 mph - including Douglas, and RAWS stations at Muleshoe, Saguaro, and Mt. Hopkins. Winds at Hopkins gusted to 50 mph, as per data table at bottom.

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