View of the Catalinas from campus at 6:00 am MST this morning.
It's been another windy morning here, after a windy day yesterday. Estimated gusts here at sunrise were around 30 mph. The airport has recorded gusts to 43 mph at both 4:00 and 6:00 am this morning - considerably stronger than current forecast for gusts to around 30 mph. Forecast above is for steady wind speeds and is valid at 9:00 am - from the 12 UTC WRF-RR run at Atmo.
Plumes shown here from the 06 UTC run of the GEFS ensemble members. The PW average (above) remains low through the period; however, there is considerable variance in the forecasts after Friday. The plumes for QPF (below) indicate chances for showers, but again there is considerable variance in timing and amounts. The operational GFS (shown in blue) is a dry outlier. Time will tell, but there may some more interesting weather Sunday into next week.
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