Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Suppressed Again Yesterday

Pink and purple skies to the east early this morning.

Yesterday was very suppressed, with no thunderstorms or rainfall across eastern Pima County - above plot of detected CG flashes through 0803 UTC today (from Vaisala and Atmo).

At 500 mb this morning (above) the anticyclone is weaker and centered over eastern New Mexico. A weak short-wave is brushing across the Arizona. The 12 UTC sounding from TWC/TUS (below) is similar to yesterday's. There are several old boundary layers below 500 mb, none of which exhibit much in the way of CAPE. 

The 12 UTC run of the WRF-RR at Atmo (below - valid through noon tomorrow) forecasts almost no rainfall across all of the southern 2/3rds of Arizona - more of the same.

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