Monday, September 16, 2024

Showers Yesterday

View of Catalinas with heavy cloud cover at 6:30 am MST this morning.

Widespread showers occurred yesterday, with quite six sites recording over an inch of rain. Not much here at house with thunder but only 0.03" - TUS reported thunder and  0.11", while Atmo and DM had 0.04" with thunder at DM.

The plot of detected CG flashes for 24-hours ending at 0803 UTC (above from Atmo and Vaisala) indicates considerable thunderstorm activity over eastern Pima County.

At 500 mb the analysis continues to be dominated by the large, closed-low over northern California.

The morning sounding from TWC/TUS (above) is moist below 550 mb, with considerable CAPE and strong southwest winds aloft. The 12 UTC WRF-HRRR forecast for rainfall through 6:00 am tomorrow morning (below, from Atmo) indicates slight chances for showers in parts of Pima County.

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