Top figure shows the dual cutoffs at 500 mb over the US - if interested, scroll down to the "Looking Ahead" post and you'll see that the ECMWF was vastly superior in the long range forecasts for this situation, when compared to the GFS.
Tucson sounding this morning was taken within the band of showers and is not representative of the larger-scale - temps were too warm and there was only a bit of CAPE. Other soundings indicate temps at 500 mb this afternoon of -10 to -12C. PWs are increasing over southeast Arizona and decreasing over southwest Arizona, where dry air has pushed in from the west at low-levels.
The SPC has a slight risk area over Arizona for today and a large area of strong storms is currently underway southeast of Flagstaff in the Rim Country. I also see a new storm has already developed over south Tucson - so looks like an active day.
Bottom two images show the midnight WRF and morning NAM rainfall forecasts ending near midnight tonight and both are very similar!
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