Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Cold Rain Showers Here

Edited to add: Close but no cigar today. My guess that showers would develop just to east was off, and the showers developed from northwest to southeast across the west edges of the Tucson metro area at mid-day. We picked up 0.03" additional rainfall here, but the Rillito at Dodge ALERT gauge, just a bit less than a mile east of here, had 0.20". In fact, 60% of the ALERT sites had 0.04" or more precipitation from the showers this afternoon - so much more activity than I had anticipated. There were even several cloud to ground flashes and a thunderstorm up in Oro Valley around 2:00 to 2:30 pm MST.

Update - Showers got going from northwest to east of metro area early this afternoon.  All images here are from just before to a bit after 2 pm MST. Currently a shower here at house of very cold rain.

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