Thursday, January 22, 2015

Cold Winds Today In Southeastern Arizona

Markedly cooler temperatures will blow into southeastern Arizona today - both on northeasterly winds over Pinal and much of Pima County, and on easterly winds over along the New Mexico border. The easterlies will be carrying higher RH with them. Forecast above is of 10-m winds from the 06 UTC WRF-NAM and is valid at 10 am this morning.

While the nasty winter weather today is mostly over New Mexico and west Texas, the WRF-NAM does forecast some precipitation into far southeast Arizona today, particularly for parts of Cochise County. Forecast above is of composite radar echoes valid at 1:00 pm MST this afternoon. Below is model forecast of snowfall through 6:00 pm, indicating a fair amount for the eastern Chiricahua Mountains.

It appears that the last week of the month will be considerably more unsettled for much of the state, so we will keep an eye out as the patterns evolve.

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