Thursday, July 12, 2018

July 11 - Mostly A Donut Hole Day

Yesterday's miserable wind profile produced expected results - mountain hugging storms that quickly covered eastern Pima County with anvil cloud. The above shows NWS radar composite chart for 2:00 pm MST yesterday - which is almost as good as it got around the metro area.

However, some showers and thunderstorms developed right over the metro during the early morning hours. The ALERT plot below shows 3-hour rainfall for period ending at 5:00 am this morning. We had light showers here around 5:30 am - 0.01" in gauge vs yesterday's zero.

The plot of detected CG flashes (second below, from Atmo and Vaisala) is for 24-hour period ending 12 UTC this morning. The purple to white colors are the most recent flashes from the early morning storms.

As for today - who could believe that the large-scale features could weaken even more? The morning skew-T plot for TWC (above from SPC) remains very moist and with significant CAPE, BUT with almost no winds through much of the troposphere - and those are light westerly. The 500 mb and 250 mb analyses (below and bottom) for 12 UTC show that the Southwest has almost no height gradients and totally chopped-up wind fields. What a mess. There will be storms around again, but if one is to occur here at house it will have to develop almost overhead, but if one were to hit here chances would be good for heavy rain.

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