Sunday, February 01, 2015

Finally Some Bright Sunshine

Today began with heavy fog (second fog event of the winter here) through much of the morning. The fog has broken with stratus now hanging on the mountains. Views above are just before 2:00 pm MST looking north from campus and from Kitt Peak. The sunshine is most welcome after the heavy clouds and rain of the past several days.

The end of month event here at the house left us with 1.97" of rain, making the total for January 2.48". This was the second wettest January during my records here at the house (16 years) with the 2.96" of January 2010 being the wettest. Looks like we'll now have at least a week of fair weather for things to dry out. I pulled up the ALERT data for the month and the totals for the three northern sectors are shown below. The January range for those sites was from 1.46 to 9.41 inches. Note that the gauge with over 9 inches appears as somewhat of an outlier and there may be problems with that particular gauge.

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