Thursday, February 12, 2015

Strong Winds This Morning

Gusty winds impacting southeast Arizona this morning with a number of observation sites reporting gusts of 30 to 40+ mph. Here at house winds seem to be about 30 mph. Douglas hit 46 mph last evening and Mt. Hopkins RAWS is currently reporting winds of 62 with gusts to 81 mph! 

Mike Crimmins noted yesterday:

I just came across this interesting paper a couple of weeks back...
I didn't realize that digging troughs were such a common feature across the SW this time of the year. Too bad we didn't have some more moisture to work with today.


I think that short waves that dig both southward and westward are more rare than those reported in the paper linked above. Currently models close the 500 mb low off and eventually move it west of Baja before it starts back toward the Borderlands. Latest WRF forecast runs indicate moisture and showers late Saturday and Sunday moving across most of Pima County. But, we'll have to wait and watch to see how much moisture this system eventually picks up.

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