Sunday, December 06, 2015

Conditions At Nearby Observatories

Thanks to Carl Hergenrother for sending the following message and links last summer:
Hi Bob,

Here are a list of links to on-site weather stations from most of the professional observatories around Tucson. Note, that few report any rainfall data - MDM Observatory - below the peak of Kitt Peak

My rainfall records only go back to June 2006 though I’ve been in Tucson since ‘91. I do remember July 1999. I was on Mount Bigelow observing the day the Catalina Highway washed out. Luckily I decided to call the night early and made it down the mountain a few hours before the wash out. 

- Carl

Shown here are several examples - top is from Mt. Lemmon Sky Cam a bit after %:00 am MST this morning. The moon and Venus are at lower left, while Orion is over at other side on lower right.

Below are wind observations taken at three of the Kitt Peak telescopes - period covered is only last couple of hours. I looked at the two-day time series and saw that the 4 meter observations indicated several gusts over 50 mph yesterday afternoon. Which brings up the issue of the exact meta data for each of the weather stations available. The sites have a large amount of information, but I am uncertain as to exact locations and exposures of the weather stations.

At bottom is a map of the Kitt Peak Complex.

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