Thursday, March 03, 2022

Unsettled Through The Weekend

Heavy clouds over Catalinas at a bit before 7:00 am MST this morning: from campus above, and from the SkyCenter on Mt. Lemmon at bottom.

Plumes from the 06 UTC GEFS for the airport are for temperature above; wind speeds below; and QPF second below.

Temperatures generally cool through Sunday and then recover a bit. Wind speeds are forecast to be strongest tomorrow, and QPF forecasts show two periods with very slight chances for light showers.

These two forecasts are from the 06 UTC WRF-GFS run at Atmo. The radar forecast above indicates showers over the metro area at 10:00 pm tonight, while the wind forecast for noon tomorrow also indicates a windy day for southeast Arizona.

Current NWS morning forecast for the airport is for wind gusts as high as 38 mph tomorrow afternoon, with chances for areas of blowing dust. There is also a Red Flag warning out for much of southeast Arizona tomorrow (two areas shown on NWS web page; the second graphic shows the correct warning area).

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