Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Windy Today

Pinkish hue to clouds over the Catalinas this morning just before sunrise Sunrise at Wilcox (bottom) featured pink to orange to yellow hues.

Plumes for wind speeds (above from 06 UTC GEFS runs) indicate windy today and again on Sunday. Graphic below shows 06 UTC WRF-GFS forecast for steady wind speeds at 3:30 pm MST this afternoon.

Morning forecast from NWS (above) indicates "breezy" conditions today, and detailed forecast mentions wind gusts as high as 36 mph. Gusts this high seem "windy" to me. So I checked NWS terminology definitions and found the table below.

The forecast indicates sustained winds of 17 to 22 mph, which includes both breezy and windy conditions. If the WRF and NWS forecasts verify, I'll consider it windy this afternoon.

Looking out to Sunday, the GFS forecast for 500 mb (valid at 18 UTC - above) shows a very strong short wave digging into Arizona. This feature will again be starved for moisture. However, most members of the GEFS (QPF plumes below) do forecast measurable rainfall at the airport. 

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