Monday, September 27, 2021

Several Quiet Days On Tap

Lingering middle clouds over the Catalinas at a bit past 9:00 am MST this morning.

ALERT rainfall reports for 24 hours ending at 9:00 am this morning. Rain had mostly needed over the north portion of the network. Rain ended here before 9:00 am, and there was no more through the day and last night. Rain did continue during the day at sites in the southern part of the network, where 24-hour totals were generally larger.

The closed low at 500 mb (above) is now centered over the White Mountains, as it moves under the large ridge to its north.

Another system will be approaching by Wednesday, when the GEFS plumes for QPF forecast more rain at the airport Wednesday night through Thursday (above). The 06 WRF-GFS forecast for precipitation through 6:00 am tomorrow morning (below) shows Pima County almost completely shower free.

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