Wednesday, July 27, 2022

No Rain Here

 Views of Catalinas (above) and Rincons (bottom) at and just before sunrise, which was at 5:36 am MST today. The Rincon movie loops at Atmo show Orion the Hunter rising over the mountains just before dawn.

Plot above shows detected CG flashes for 24-hours ending at 0703 UTC today. However, the lack of afternoon/evening detections appears suspect to me. Observation remarks mention lightning through the afternoon and TUS carried thunder also. Perhaps the data feed went down?

Rainfall reports from the ALERT network for 24-hours ending at 7:00 am (above and below) indicate about 50 % of sites had 0.04" or more. About 20 sites reported amounts from a half to over an inch and a half. The airport and DM had thunder with 0.15" and Atmo reported 0.16" - nothing here at house, although there may have been thunder that I didn't hear.

The morning TWC/TUS sounding remains little changed again this morning - very moist, with considerable CAPE and light/variable winds. The TUS Forecast office has continued their flash flood watch through 5:00 am Friday morning.

There is a weak, upper-level cyclone centered south of the New Mexico Bootheel at 250 mb (above). This feature will continue to move slowly westward across northern Mexico and Arizona, providing some support for weak upward motion on the large scale.

Plumes for QPF at the airport (above - from the 06 UTC GEFS runs) indicate that the stormy/wet period will continue through the coming week. The 06 UTC WRF-GFS forecast for precipitation through midnight (below) shows a number of centers of heavy rainfall over eastern Pima and Santa Cruz Counties. Model again tries to hit the airport with a heavy storm and over an inch of rain. 

We will be away (near Sonoita) later today and tomorrow - will hopefully get some photos of heavy storms!

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