Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Down Day

View of Catalinas at 7:45 am MST this morning shows somewhat dreary conditions overhead at that time.

Plot of detected CG flashes above shows none over eastern Pima County for 24-hours ending at 0703 UTC last night - note there could have been some rumbles around from in-cloud flashes.

Very limited and light precipitation at a few sites within the ALERT network for 24-hours ending at 7:30 am this morning (above and below). Amounts were generally less than about a quarter of an inch - nothing here. Most of main metro was suppressed.

At 500 mb (above from SPC) the amorphous anticyclone is off to the east. There does appear to be a weak, inverted trough nearby across the New Mexico boot heel stretching into northwest Sonora. The forecast from the 12 UTC WRF-RR run at Atmo (below) indicates almost no precipitation across all of Arizona through midnight tonight.

Forecast graphic (above) from the NWS at TUS - below shows the current forecast for the airport. Best chances for rainfall are indicated for Wednesday and Thursday nights.

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