Saturday, July 27, 2024

Midnight Showers

Sunrise looking toward Redington Pass at 5:45 am MST this morning.

Plot of detected CG flashes for 24-hours ending at 0733 UTC last night shows ongoing thunderstorm activity across southern parts of eastern Pima County.

The ALERT plots at 7:00 am this morning (above and below) show scattered sites with rainfall across northern portion of network, but all sites with rain in the southern part of the network. Heaviest amounts occurred to the south of the metro area. Here at the house we had only 0.03", while airport reported 0.34"; DM had a Trace and Atmo continues out-of-service.

Plumes for QPF at the airport (above - from the 06 UTC GEFS runs) above show best chances for rain occurring today and tomorrow. The operational GFS (blue) is a heavy-amount outlier. Current NWS forecast for the airport (below) keeps 40 to 50 POPs at airport today and tomorrow.

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