Monday, July 15, 2024

PM Storms On 14th

Pre-sunrise colors looking toward east end of Catalinas at 5:30 am MST this morning.

ALERT plots (above and below) show rain amounts ending at 7:00 am this morning. Note a number of sites along the interstate with over an inch. Here at house we had 0.29"; Atmo had 0.00"; DM measured 0.06"; and TUS reported 0.11". There were wind gusts here around 50 mph (estimated); Atmo had a near severe gust to 57 mph; TUS had gusts to 43 mph; and DM came in with gusts to 39 mph. There were a number of severe wind reports scattered around the greater metro area.

Time series for T and Td (above - from Atmo) shows dramatic drop of T around 6:00 pm.

Morning sounding from TWC/TUS (above) shows only 1.20" of PW, but does has considerable CAPE - given considerable heating and mixing. At 500 mb (below) an elongated east-to-west anticyclone stretches from Oklahoma out to western Arizona.

Morning forecast from TUS NWS Forecast office (above) indicates 30 to 50 percent POPS through Wednesday night. Forecast from 12 UTC WRF-RR (below) shows only spotty precipitation over eastern Pima County. Note that day after a widespread rain even is often very suppressed - so I'll be watching to see if we get any storms off the mountains into the lower desert later today.

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