Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Light Shower After Dark

View toward Redington Pass at a bit before 6:00 am MST this morning.

Plot of detected CG flashes (from Atmo and Vaisala through 0803 UTC last night) shows activity was abundant over the mountains, with scattered flashes elsewhere in eastern Pima County.

Rainfall observations for ALERT (above and below) show scattered amounts of 0.04" and more - note the 1.77" at Mt. Lemmon site. Here at the house we had 0.02" a bit after dark; Atmo reported 0.20" along with gusts to 37 mph; while DM and TUS both had thunder but no reported rain.

The Tucson upper-air sounding continues to be unavailable. The morning 500 mb analysis (above from SPC) shows the large anticyclone center over eastern New Mexico  This morning's 12 UTC forecast for rainfall through midnight (below, from the run of the WRF-RR run at Atmo) indicates some heavy amounts over much of eastern Pima County through midnight tonight.

Current weather graphic and the morning forecast (above and below) for the airport, from the TUS NWS forecast office, call for high POPs and strong thunderstorms this evening.

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