Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Suppressed Here

View toward Reddington Pass at 5:50 am this morning.

Plot of detected CG flashes through 0733 UTC last night (above from Atmo and Vaisala) shows activity over mountains and also south to west of metro area.

Minimal rainfall reports across the ALERT network - above through 0733 UTC last night - there were also also 4 light reports in far south part of network. Very suppressed here with no rain to report.

Morning sounding from TWC/TUS shows some analyzed CAPE (above, from SPC), but doesn't look like afternoon mixed layer will have enough to break the warm cap at 500 mb.

Forecast above shows precipitation forecast from 06 UTC run of WRF-GFS through 6:00 pm next Friday - quiet for rest of week. Current NWS forecast for the airport shown below.

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