Pre-sunrise view of the Catalinas after another night with storms around midnight - third consecutive night. Plot of detected CG flashes (below - from Atmo and Vaisala) shows significant thunderstorm activity over much of eastern Pima County.
The 24-hour plot of rainfall at ALERT sites (second below) shows the the northeast half of the network received measurable rainfall - four additional sites in the corner had rainfall over 0.04" but less than 050". Here at house we had heavy rain with the total gauge amount at 6:00 am being 0.78", the heaviest single event total for the entire year. I count 18 sites with over an inch of rainfall.
Little change at 500 mb as the pattern remains quite stagnant (above).
The morning TWC/TUS sounding (above) remains very moist and unstable. The choppy wind profile will probably support storm movement from the southeast. The forecast for composite radar echoes (below - from 09 UTC run of the WRF-RR) is valid at 4:30 pm MST this afternoon - possibly a fourth day with storms here.
The morning forecast from the NWS Tucson office (second below) has POPs of 40 to 60 percent for every forecast period during the coming week. Quite a start to August with over an inch and a half of rain here at the house.
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