Friday, August 12, 2022

Weekend Storms?

Clouds over the Catalinas again this morning at sunrise.

Plot of detected CG flashes (above, from Atmo and Vaisala) for 24-hours ending at 0733 UTC (12:33 am) this morning shows minimal storm activity over Pima County. The one cluster near Rincons was apparently over Redington Pass area. The ALERT map of rainfall (below, for 24-hours ending at 7:00 am MST) shows isolated spots with 0.04" or more - most significant cluster being over Redington Pass.

There were two other reports in southern part of network - 0.39" at Tinaja Ranch west of Green Valley, and 0.04" at Elephant Head east of Amado (view of Elephant Head looking south is at bottom).

Morning sounding from TWC/TUS (above) remains moist and unstable, with only a small amount of lifting needed to trigger storms at lower elevations. Winds aloft profile indicates very weak steering winds, so strong but slow moving storms could produce heavy rains.

Forecast below (from 12 UTC WRF-RR) is for rainfall through midnight. Model puts most of Tucson in a donut hole. Second below is rainfall through 5:00 pm on Sunday from the 06 UTC WRF-GFS - showing the donut hole persisting.

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